Envision Bourbon

Beginning in December 2016, the Town of Bourbon initiated the planning process to develop its first comprehensive plan, entitled Envision Bourbon 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The plan development process began by first establishing a vision and guiding principles. These principles reflect what the community values the most and aided in the identification of the action strategies later in the planning process.

Envision Bourbon 2030 Comprehensive Plan

During this process, the Town engaged with key stakeholders through interviews, public meetings, and issued two input surveys, one tailored to community residents and the second to Triton Junior-Senior High students.  The Public Survey received approximately 140 responses and over 290 students filled out the student survey. The results of the surveys are located in Appendix B, the link provided below. Concluding the plan development process involved a series of Steering Committee meetings that examined future development scenarios including identifying infill or redevelopment opportunities, targeting areas for new development, utility and transportation improvements, and developed the action strategies. The Bourbon Community had an opportunity to comment on the future land use and transportation maps, and rank the action strategies.  Strategies were ranked with a high, medium, or low priority to give higher weight to the strategies that should receive the strongest consideration for implementation in the next five years. This process led to the development of the Envision Bourbon 2030 Comprehensive Plan.

The Bourbon Plan Commission approved the Plan at their September 28, 2017, meeting with the Bourbon Town Council adopting the Plan at their October 10, 2017, Council meeting.

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